Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

BitComet 0.62

0.62 的 Release Note:

  • GUI Improved: add the ability to fetch remote channel xml file and display its items in favourite bar
  • GUI Improved: adjust the toolbar position of embedded browser
  • GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the embedded browser can’t handle BCTP link properly
  • GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the task name displayed as the http link of torrent file
  • GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the task status displayed as failed after DHT torrent download finished successfully
  • Core Improved: user favourite data file changed from .\fav\my_fav.xml to .\Favourite.xml
  • Core Bugfix: fix possible crash when exit program while hashing
  • Core Bugfix: fix possible crash when detects WMP version at BitComet startup
  • Core Bugfix: fix possible memory access violation when remove task after DHT torrent file download finished

1/28 的漏洞 (我在 BitComet 安全漏洞 這篇有提過),拖了這麼久… Changelog 上面卻沒看到修正記錄?